Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Yikes! 3 1/2 Months!!!

While talking to a friend about getting our orders, I realized...we will be leaving in 3 1/2 months to begin our life on shore duty! It literately hit me like a ton of bricks & took my breath for a min. My hubby's been on the Nimitz since Sept. 2008...I knew this time was coming, I just didn't realize until today just how soon it'll be.

We still haven't gotten our hard copies yet, but soon I hope. I'd love to get this process going so that I can start planning our trip back home to see family & friends before we leave to go to Italy for 3 years. I don't think it has hit me that we are actually moving to Italy yet...Just that we will be no longer apart of the Nimitz...........& we'll be starting all over again. New house, new area, new command, new challenges, & new friends. So here's to leaving everything & everyone I know behind & starting over & meeting new friend & experiencing new about 5 months...or so........................................................................


Saturday, February 11, 2012

It's my birthday & I'll...

Lunar Orbitor
Cry if I want too...wait I didn't cry! If I did it was tears of JOY! My wonderful Husband took me to dinner at the Sky City Restaurant at the Spaceneedle
in Seattle, WA tonight. We had an AMAZING time! I didn't take as many pictures as I thought I would, but the lighting was way off for my phone & I was too amazed at everything else to take my Canon out to take any pictures. I think I have like 4 pictures on the Canon from tonight...oops. 
On our table tonight: We ordered Roasted Flat Bread as an Appetizer. I had a Bloody Mary & Todd had a Seattle Sidecar  (whatever that was). Then for our entree; Hubby ordered the Grilled Salmon & I ordered the Seafood Stew! It was GREAT...everything was just PERFECT! Our waitress was the BEST! She didn't over crowed us, but she was always there just at the right time. After our meal she brought out a "Lunar Orbitor" which was COOKIE DOUGH ice cream on top of DRY ICE! It was all smokey & I really wish I could have videoed it! It was AWESOME! 
I honestly don't have a clue how many times I told my Husband "I love you" & "Thank You" tonight! He just doesn't know how happy he makes me! Anyways...It is late & he is already in bed asleep :( so I am going to crawl into bed & cuddle with the worlds greatest husband!       -Kimmie

Friday, February 10, 2012

Picture This!

Well...I bought my new camera the other day & a day later I found the cord that connects to the computer chewed up. I had it plugged into the computer. I guess our dog decided he wanted to play with the black thing hanging down. Luckily my wonderful Hubby can fix it & I will not have to buy another cord.
I haven't even been able to get out & take pictures with it. WA weather is always too rainy! But I did get a few of the dogs running around & this happens to be my favorite of our boy Jr. He was so curious because the Canon makes noises, unlike my Kodak. He is by far the cutest doggie EVER!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Aunt Kimmie...

...yep! I am now Aunt Kimmie! My little brother, Hunter, & his girlfriend, Megan, had their beautiful son (Colton Samuel) today. I am so thrilled, yet sad that I am not there to hold him. He will be one spoiled little boy that is for sure!
I'm beyond proud of my brother. He is only 19, yet he has grown so much since finding out he was going to be a daddy. I know he'll be the best father he can be to his son. I wish I was there to hug him & tell him just how proud of him I am.

He posted today on his Facebook "I finaly feel like I have a purpose in life now lot of things to do and look foward to" 
He has always had a purpose in life. God knew all along that he would be standing right where he is today, holding his son & being the best father he can be. He is truly blessed with the best gift ever...the gift of a child. A gift from God himself, a gift from Heaven! 
Colton Samuel Newman

I love my little brother...we may fight, argue, & disagree on a lot of things, but I love him with all my heart & I would do anything in the world for him. I may not always LIKE him sometimes but I will always LOVE him! 
&& Megan, she has truly opened his eyes & has given him a love none of us could give him. & I thank her from the bottom of my heart for that. I pray that no matter how hard life gets, they will stick it out together & I promise it'll all be worth it in the end.

That is all for tonight, the screen is getting blurry...I'm a bit emotional right now.

Until Next Time....God Bless

Monday, January 9, 2012


Text I received from my hubby

Well, as most of you know hubby texted me the other day with the news that he was selected for orders to Naples, Italy. Meaning what? :) That we'll be spending his 3 year shore duty experiencing life in Italy & traveling all over the European countries. Of course this also means I'll be the furthest I've ever been away from family & friends, I'll have to learn Italian & other languages I've never thought I'd be learning, & I'll be eating lots of Spaghetti haha! I'm sure they have some other amazing food that I'll get to experience as well, but how many chances do you get to eat Spaghetti in Italy? I'd have to go with NOT VERY MANY! 

It will defiantly be interesting, exciting, nerve wracking all in one!

Anyways...Reason for me making a blog! I wanted to be able to share with everyone of you our life & our experiences while living in Italy. I'm hoping that I'll be able to keep up with the blog & post something new at least once a week. Wish me luck :)